“Wind Beneath My Wings”
….His ministers a flaming fire (Psalm 104:4b)
You are the wind beneath my wings
Your breath causes me to soar to depths unknown
Depths yet to be explored and consumed
Your breath lift me to the heights of Heaven through the blueness of the sky
Your breath transports me from the realm of that which is seen into the corridors of the unseen.
When life’s conflicts and consumption weigh heavily upon my soul and my wings no longer bear the strength to soar-Your breath carry me upon the shores of comfort and love and time cease to unwind
I am in a place of absolute calmness and stillness where the raging tossed storm of life cease to roar.
Your breath blow gently beneath my wings, I am assured of your awesome power and presence.
Your wind, your breath catapults me through the hallway of time beyond the clear blue sky-
Beyond the distant shore of space and time.
Suddenly I stand in the presence of the Almighty and lo my wings are now flaming fires of loveliness transformed by the breath of the Almighty God.
You are the “Wind Beneath My Wings”