Tuesday, February 22, 2011

“Wind Beneath My Wings”

“Wind Beneath My Wings”
….His ministers a flaming fire (Psalm 104:4b)

You are the wind beneath my wings
Your breath causes me to soar to depths unknown
Depths yet to be explored and consumed
Your breath lift me to the heights of Heaven through the blueness of the sky
Your breath transports me from the realm of that which is seen into the corridors of the unseen.
When life’s conflicts and consumption weigh heavily upon my soul and my wings no longer bear the strength to soar-Your breath carry me upon the shores of comfort and love and time cease to unwind
I am in a place of absolute calmness and stillness where the raging tossed storm of life cease to roar.
Your breath blow gently beneath my wings, I am assured of your awesome power and presence.
Your wind, your breath catapults me through the hallway of time beyond the clear blue sky-
Beyond the distant shore of space and time.
Suddenly I stand in the presence of the Almighty and lo my wings are now flaming fires of loveliness transformed by the breath of the Almighty God.
You are the “Wind Beneath My Wings”

"Blessed Hands"

“Blessed Hands”
….therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus,
Whom ye have crucified both Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36)

Hands that bled
Hands that shed it’s innocent blood
Hands that clutched the depths of despair and provided salvation
Hands that shook the portals of hell and set the captives free

Blessed hands that endured shame, reproach and guilt for the sake of mankind
-His creation
Blessed hands that refused to bow to the pain of nail torn flesh

Blessed hands that hung from the sixth to ninth hour-
That love’s conquering power would  prevail.

Blessed hands that dripped innocent blood that guilt-stained souls would be cleansed.

Hands, Blessed Hands, These Hands-bore your sins and mine
Hands, Blessed  Hands, These Hands that commanded death to release it’s dark gruesome hold-Hands that vanquished  death and sin.

Now these Hands bid you come!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Terrorist of the Soul

“Terrorist of the Soul”
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms.....that made the world as a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of the prisoners? (Isaiah14:12, 16-17)

Before time existed and became there was one who extolled the praises of God- Who was full of wisdom and perfect in beauty - his beauty  a covering of precious stones-sardius, topaz, and the diamond, beryl, the onyx and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald and the carbuncle and the gold.
The workmanship of his tambourine and pipes were prepared in him when he was created-He was the son of the morning, the anointed cherub that protected. He was perfect in his ways from the day that God created him,
Till iniquity was found in him.

In a moment as a lightning flash his habitation and glory stripped and deposed. His heart lifted up because of his beauty and his wisdom corrupted because of his brightness
Saying within himself: I will be like the Most Holy One
Cast to the ground- to earth
 His first habitation forfeited by the cryptic and destructive
forces of pride and envy
Envious and covetous of his Creator God
Seeking to establish a throne above the heavens, above the Exalted One,
God the Father

Stripped of his beauty and glory, cloaked in rebellion and deceit
he enters the realm of time-Earth
Seeking to wreak havoc knowing that his time is short waiting, lurking, prowling for a gateway, an opening-a doorway of influence

Darkness shrouded the earth and therein he lurked-waiting, seething-waiting to establish his throne of rebellion,
And God said Let there be light and it was so.
Let us make man in our image, after our likeness
God created male and female
“And God spoke and commanded:
“Eat not the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of  good and evil”
Occasion, Opportunity-Deception-the seed of man- woman-enticed
Deception through a serpent:
”Eat and you will be like God-knowing good and evil”
Submission-satan’s dominion begins
deathv- destruction - evil continually
The terrorist of our soul thriving in sin and disobedience
Man’s soul blackened and penetrated by the forces of evil
Untold sorrow, corruption and heartache-bondage-death
The suicide of man’s soul forfeiture of his destiny-his dominion
Satan’s dominion extends 42 generations-and then God!
Captain of our souls-strike his deafening blow!
A virgin, a womb-a birth- Emmanuel- God with us, our Deliverer, our Savior
An attack-the cross, Crucify him, Crucify him-
Death pronounce your sentence, grave ready your grip
Our Savior cries “It is finished!” Death blusters-for his sting is sin-
The Sinless One has conquered death
O death where is thy sting, O grave where is thy victory.
It is finished, the reign of terrorism in our soul is conquered; it is vanquished by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Have you accepted Him- or is the terrorist of man’s soul, man’s destiny ever controlling, ever destroying, ever wreaking havoc and destruction in your life.
You have the weapon-now use it
 the Blood of Jesus Christ
The greatest counter terrorist weapon of all eternity.

Monday, February 14, 2011

When Darkness Came Into My Soul

When Darkness Came Into My Soul
A day of perpetual disturbances
The grip and might of the Almighty 
pressing hard upon me
Bringing reality to the choice of choosing worldly 
comforts rather than His gracious hand

Void of peace and sweet rest
For just a moment the loin-wrenched pain of 
His absence The turn away of His gaze
Eruptions of forsakenness and forlornness yearning once again just for a look for a gaze

Comfort my soul, O Holy One
I have sinned and feel the sting of death, release me from the pangs of agony
Wash me with thy forgiveness that I may again rejoice in thy presence with fullness of joy

The Warrior

The Warrior

Clothed with the armor of God
His gazed fixed, His destiny clear
Taking Territory, Releasing the Captives
Bringing Peace and Security by the Power 
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
A heart encased with love, peace and joy
Distributing to the necessity of the saints
A warrior of God
Holy fire within,
His armor mighty and strong pulling down 
and demolishing strongholds
A warrior for such a time as this, part of the army of God
Crushing the enemies of light and putting demons to flight
A warrior after God’s own heart
Taking Dominion and making disciples of all nations
His vision clear, His stance determined
A warrior for God

UIHS…Carla Streeter…September 15,2009